Conditioning Treatments
A conditioning treatment is designed to penetrate deeply into the hair shaft and to smooth down the cuticles. When the cuticles are raised, the hair can appear dry and frizzy and when the cuticles are flattened out, the hair appears silky and soft. The main difference between a normal hair conditioner and a hair conditioning treatment is that a normal hair conditioner will only work on the surface of the hair by leaving a fine film over the hair shaft whereas a hair conditioning treatment will get right inside the hair shaft and attempt to repair damage.
An important misconception here surrounding damaged hair is that no hair conditioning treatment is ever going to fully repair damaged hair but it will go a long way to minimising any further damage and to disguising damage that is already there. There is really no solution to severely damaged hair other than to cut the hair and make sure that the hair is cared for in future to prevent that damage happening again.